Travel Business Owners Podcast

11 TBO Popcast Series/Step 8 Overview: Lessons Learned and What to Measure

Madeline Jhawar, Travel Beyond the Obvious

Devin McKinney and Madeline Jhawar talk about the eighth and final step in the Travel Expert Training Program, give an overview, and highlight how it fits in to Madeline's proven successful 8-step process for building and launching your own travel planning company. After 11 years running “Italy Beyond the Obvious” Madeline shares the bumps and scrapes so you can avoid them. Also, what and how you should be measuring to ensure efficiency and constantly improve.

When you purchase the Step 8 lesson you get the following materials:

Complete Process Overview - Video 17:40
Lessons Learned - Video 21:04
What to Measure - Video 22:52
Sample Work Days - Video 8:05
Complete Process Overview - PDF
Lessons Learned - PDF
What to Measure - PDF

If you're thinking of starting your own travel planning business consider purchasing this lesson or get a discount when you buy the entire 8-step series as part of the Founder Essentials Bundle. Find out more and set up a free consultation with Madeline at